Monday, 7 November 2016

RIP Puricuties


We know it's November but we kinda don't want to let go of that spooky Halloween feeling just yet! Also, we have an announcement at the end of this post so please read to the end!

It's difficult to make an all black outfit look interesting sometimes but if you mix up the textures it can liven up the outfit pretty quickly! For example the ruffles on Shady's skirt or the sheerness of Choom's top which add a little something extra.

How could you have a Halloween outfit without a little bit of spoop? This is provided by the one and only Shady with the pentagram shaped bra, perfect for demon summoning of course. Choom's sheer top is layered over a black corset. The red detailing looks like apples...or flowers? Not too sure but still very spoopy.

We went for two very different textured skirts, leather and lace. Shady's tiered ruffled skirt matches Choom's sheer top and adds a feminine edge to her own ensemble. Choom picked a long skirt that is very difficult to walk in but looks great and that's all that matters right?

As for accessories Shady cheated her way out of this and used her tattoos to fit the theme. Choom doesn't have any cool tattoos so shoes will have to do! These huuuuuuge platforms are like trainers on steriods, perfect for stomping around.

Thank you Charles for taking the photos!

And now for the big news...we are going on a hiatus. We will be taking a break from our weekly posts for a while and we will be inactive on our joint social media accounts but active on our separate accounts. We've loved running this blog for just over a year but now we want to consider the next step for each of us. We thought using this Halloween theme would be a fun way to say goodbye in our own special way! Thank you for reading our posts and coming on our fashion evolution!

Choom & Shady

Shady wears

Bra - Killstar
Skirt - Maryjanenite
Lipstick - Nyx

Choom wears

Sheer top - Offbrand
Corset - H&M
Skirt - Glad News
Shoes - Demonia

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